Fireplaces service and installation
It’s no secret that a fireplace is a comforting addition to just about any home. Whether you’re up for a traditional wood fireplace, or a more modern fireplace, you can be sure it will add character and warmth to your home in the winter and any other time the temperature drops.
We offer professional fireplace installation and repair services. At DiMax we have decades of experience and are ideal for either wood-burning or gas fireplaces. We will even come out and assess your home to advise which type of fireplace would be the best match for your lifestyle and your house.
Fireplace Installation Service
A gas fireplace offers the ultimate in convenience, as you can literally flip a switch and enjoy the warmth and look of a real fireplace. No buying and storing wood, no live fire inside your home. Of course, you won’t get that natural crackle and pop of burning wood, or the unmistakable smell of a wood burning fireplace, either. The decision can be tricky, but our expert advice and experience makes it a little easier. We will take you through every step of the installation process, from the initial idea to that very first fire or flip of the switch.
Fireplace Repair or Maintenance
If you already have a gas or wood burning fireplace and it’s in need of repair or maintenance, we also offer a complete range of repair services that will keep it working at optimum efficiency. Either type of fireplace has the potential to cause serious damage to the occupants of your house, so if you suspect damage to the actual fireplace, gas line, chimney flue or any other element, don’t hesitate to call for an inspection.

Fireplace Repair or Maintenance
If you already have a gas or wood burning fireplace and it’s in need of repair or maintenance, we also offer a complete range of repair services that will keep it working at optimum efficiency. Either type of fireplace has the potential to cause serious damage to the occupants of your house, so if you suspect damage to the actual fireplace, gas line, chimney flue or any other element, don’t hesitate to call for an inspection.
When is it time to call for fireplace service?
When there is visible corrosion – the acid in combustion byproducts can eat through both metal and masonry, two of the most–used materials in fireplaces. If you see visible corrosion, it’s time to call an expert for help.
When your fireplace isn’t drafting correctly – are your fires not lighting or is smoke billowing into your home when you light a fire? This usually means there is a problem with drafting that an expert needs to fix.
When you see broken tiles – if you have little pieces of tiles landing in your firebox, there are tiles missing from the top of your chimney that are very important. These broken tiles need to be repaired by an expert.