Gas piping service and installation
The best way to prevent repair issues with your natural gas piping is to have it professionally installed by skilled and experienced plumbers. Even with that, however, you may still have a problem come up. And when it does, it needs to be addressed right away.
There is no point in taking risks when it comes to your gas lines. Ignoring a potential issue could be harmful to both your health and safety. One symptom of a gas line problem is the smell of rotten eggs—this is an odor that your gas company purposefully puts in the gas so that you can detect if you have a gas leak.
Gas Line Maintenance
Just like every other aspect of your commercial business or property, your gas plumbing needs routine maintenance! Annual inspections with check-ups in between keep your system working safely and efficiently. If a problem goes unnoticed, it can lead to costly repairs down the line or potentially dangerous situations.
Gas Line Repair
Your gas line repair needs to be done as soon as possible. The risk of cracked, broken, or misaligned gas plumbing can be potentially disastrous, so you need to call a professional at the first sign of a problem. You will have peace of mind knowing that our experts are very skilled with gas plumbing repairs. Keep your commercial business safe and call DiMax with any questions, concerns, and repair needs.

Gas Line Repair
Your gas line repair needs to be done as soon as possible. The risk of cracked, broken, or misaligned gas plumbing can be potentially disastrous, so you need to call a professional at the first sign of a problem. You will have peace of mind knowing that our experts are very skilled with gas plumbing repairs. Keep your commercial business safe and call DiMax with any questions, concerns, and repair needs.
Gas Line Installation
Here at DiMax, we do every job as if we were doing it for our own company. Your commercial business is important to us, so we want to make it as safe and secure as possible. We guarantee quality plumbing installation to ensure continued function and safety of your business.
When your gas line needs attention
Your gas bill is more expensive.
Gas-powered appliances in your home are not working efficiently.
You have had a gas leak in the past.
You hear hissing or roaring sound from a gas line.
Any part of the gas line is visible.